quarta-feira, 15 de abril de 2020


1) SEIZURES/ˈsēZHər/ noun / convulsion 
Example: a sudden attack of illness, especially a stroke or an epileptic fit.
"the patient had a seizure"

2) CUES /kyo͞o/ noun / indication/ signal
Example: a thing said or done that serves as a signal to an actor or other performer to enter or to begin their speech or performan

3) WHISTLE /ˈ(h)wisəl// noun  or verb / 
Example ( noun): a clear, high-pitched sound made by forcing breath through a small hole between partly closed lips, or between one's teeth.
Example ( verb): emit a clear, high-pitched sound by forcing breath through a small hole between one's lips or teeth.
"the audience cheered and whistled"

segunda-feira, 6 de abril de 2020

Vocabulary 7

1) Delude / diˈlo͞od / verb / = deceive/dodge/elude/evade.
Exemple: Doctors cannot deceive their patients; they must always tell the truth.

2) Seizures / see-zher/ noun / = convulsion/ fit/ spasm/ paroxysm / ictus / apoplexy.
Exemple: My nephew had to go to a neurologist because he had an epileptic seizure at school.

3) Cues / kyoo / noun / = hint, tip, shot, divination.
Exemple: Usually a murderer leaves clues at the crime scene.

4) Subtle / ˈsətl / adjective / = keen /= pervasive/= penetrating.
Exemple: When I'm in public and I need to talk to my husband I always try to be subtle.

quinta-feira, 5 de março de 2020


1) APES/ noun

Comments: Apes not have tails, while most monkey species do. Apes tend to be larger than monkeys and usually have larger brains. ... 

Example: There are many apes in the zoo.

Resultado de imagem para There are many apes in the zoo

2) APES /Verb = imitate

Comments: Imitate the behavior or manner of ( someone or something).

Example: Boys ape their fathers.

Resultado de imagem para boys imitate their father

3) ROTE /ˈrōt/ noun / = habit

Example:  People think apes use rote memorization to learn words.

Commentsmechanical or unthinking routine or repetition

4 .A) INTRIGUING /  in·trigu·ing. /ˌinˈtrēɡiNG/adjective/ = arousing one's curiosity or interest; fascinating.

Example: "an intriguing image"

Resultado de imagem para an intriguing image

4.B) INTRIGUINGin·trigu·ing / verb

Comment: make a secret plans to do something illicit or detrimental to someone.

Example: My behavior intrigued my boss.

Resultado de imagem para boys imitate their father
Resultado de imagem para My behavior intrigued my boss

5) GIVE DE FLOOR TO/ expression 

CommentThe professor frequently stopped speaking to give the floor to students who had questions about the exam or another explanation. 

Example: "Now I'm going to give the floor to John so that he can elaborate on the principles of learning techniques."?

segunda-feira, 2 de março de 2020

Vocabulary 5

1) BLINDSIDED /[ blahynd-sahyd] / noun / = ... by surprise.

Comment: When I use the word BLIND + another word SIDE + I have a new word : BLINDSIDED.

Example: When I arrived at home I was blindsided, because there was a party for me.


2) UNDERWENT /  [uhn-der-went]/  verb / = suffer = obligate = subdue

Comment: When I use UNDER, that is a preposition + WENT that is verb I have a new VERB = UNDERWENT.
Example: When my nephew had leukemia he underwent many exams.
 Resultado de imagem para examination of bone marrow


3) WIDELY /[ wahyd-lee] / adverb / =largely

Comment: When I use WIDE, that is adjective + suffix LY I form a another word that is a adverb.

Example: This is disease widely know in the world. = The whole world knows about this disease.

Resultado de imagem para it is widely known


4) INHERITED /[ in-her-it ]/ adjective / = come by

Comment: In this case I am using a verb INHERIT + suffix D, so I have a new word that is adjective. The origin this verb is from the word HERITAGE, that mean is patrimony, succession, estate, etc. I can use this word with another mean. (I inherited my father's illness).

Example:   I inherited a lot of money from my family.
Resultado de imagem para win a lot of money

  I inherited a lot of bill from my husband.

Resultado de imagem para mANY BILLS FOR PAY

  I inherited my father's illness.

Resultado de imagem para ilness heritage family

quinta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2020


(technical informations)

What is Genetic Testing?

Genetic tests look for specific inherited changes (mutations) in a person's chromosomes, genes or proteins. Genetic mutations can be harmful, beneficial, neutral (without effect) or uncertain for health. Harmful mutations can increase a person's chance or risk of developing a disease like cancer. In general, hereditary mutations are responsible for about 5 to 10% of all cancers.

How is genetic testing done?

Genetic tests are usually ordered by a doctor.

The test is done on a small sample of body fluid or tissue, usually blood, but sometimes saliva, internal cheek cells, skin or amniotic fluid.

The sample is sent to a laboratory specialized in genetic testing. The results are returned to the doctor who ordered the test. In some cases, the laboratory may send the results directly to the patient. The result may take a few weeks to be released.

Genetic counseling is recommended before and after testing to make sure that patients have accurate information about the meaning of a specific genetic test for their case.

( my opinion )

Who should do the genetic testing?

if in my family there was a type of hereditary cancer, which is curable, it would be interesting to know before the cancer manifested itself. For example, for a mother who has small children, it would be wonderful to be able to take precautions; of her children until a certain age. In this case, it would be extremely important to know the results of these exams.

Now if in another family there is another type of disease that had no cure and still has a very short survival, I honestly do not agree that people in this family should do this exam. The patient in this case would suffer twice, when he learns of the test result and then when the disease manifests. I would prefer not to know, because it would not do anything.

Let's look at the graph below, is this according to my opinion?

Resultado de imagem para Who should do the genetic testing?
In this case I am part of this 39% who would not like to be tested if my probable disease does not have treatment.

There are many reports of people who, after discovering that they have a serious disease, they end up dying of depreciation, even before the disease gets worse.

So, I really believe that each case is a unique 
case, there is no single answer to this question.

segunda-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2020

Vocabulary 4

Weakest = fragile/ adjective/ I was the weakest person on that trip.

Resultado de imagem para weak and strong

Bursts  = explosion/ substantive / I could hear a strong busts.

 Resultado de imagem para bursts

Flicking =  shake/ verb/ I couldn’t stop flicking remote.
Resultado de imagem para flicking

Scent = odor / Substantive / I dont like when a dog with a bad scent stay near me.

 Resultado de imagem para dog has bad scent

terça-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2020

Vocabulary 3

Prairie = grassland / substantive / “ˈpre(ə)rē” / 👉🏻 The prairie regions surrounding the port of Houston had to be transformed to solidify its foothold as the energy export capital of Texas.


Dam = dike/ substantive/ “dam”/ 👉🏻A sand dam is a thousand-year old technique to collect water in arid regions


Apathy = lethargy / verb/ “ˈapəTHē”/ 👉🏻If you hang your clothes out in the bright sun, they will fade.


Plight = condition / noun/ “plait”/ 👉🏻Few of us can be unmoved by the plight of the refugees.


Threshold = limit / substantive/ ˈTHreSHˌ(h)ōld/ 👉🏻 People have different thresholds for how much caffeine they can tolerate.