Vocabulary 7

1) Delude / diˈlo͞od / verb / = deceive/dodge/elude/evade.
Exemple: Doctors cannot deceive their patients; they must always tell the truth.

2) Seizures / see-zher/ noun / = convulsion/ fit/ spasm/ paroxysm / ictus / apoplexy.
Exemple: My nephew had to go to a neurologist because he had an epileptic seizure at school.

3) Cues / kyoo / noun / = hint, tip, shot, divination.
Exemple: Usually a murderer leaves clues at the crime scene.

4) Subtle / ˈsətl / adjective / = keen /= pervasive/= penetrating.
Exemple: When I'm in public and I need to talk to my husband I always try to be subtle.
