Vocabulary 5
1) BLINDSIDED /[ blahynd-sahyd] / noun / = ... by surprise.
Comment: When I use the word BLIND + another word SIDE + D I have a new word : BLINDSIDED.
Example: When I arrived at home I was blindsided, because there was a party for me.

2) UNDERWENT / [uhn-der-went]/ verb / = suffer = obligate = subdue
Comment: When I use UNDER, that is a preposition + WENT that is verb I have a new VERB = UNDERWENT.
Example: When my nephew had leukemia he underwent many exams.

3) WIDELY /[ wahyd-lee] / adverb / =largely
Comment: When I use WIDE, that is adjective + suffix LY I form a another word that is a adverb.
Example: This is disease widely know in the world. = The whole world knows about this disease.

4) INHERITED /[ in-her-it ]/ adjective / = come by
Comment: In this case I am using a verb INHERIT + suffix D, so I have a new word that is adjective. The origin this verb is from the word HERITAGE, that mean is patrimony, succession, estate, etc. I can use this word with another mean. (I inherited my father's illness).
Example: I inherited a lot of money from my family.

I inherited a lot of bill from my husband.

I inherited my father's illness.

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